Welcome To Coyote Dental
We believe that knowledge is power and we want you to be a dental super hero.
Dr. Mark McMahon, author of the book, “Dentistry in Mexico, Costa Rica and Beyond,” is excited to share with you, the wonders of dentistry in Mexico.
Below, you’ll find a short, introductory video that will guide you on your journey to a brighter, healthier smile.
Then, once you’re ready, simply click on the “Register Now” button and schedule your Free Coyote Dental Concierge Call. Simple, stress-free solutions for your smile!
Click on the "Register Now" button and schedule your Free Coyote Dental Concierge Call.
Smile Alert!!! Dr. Mark’s launch of his latest book, “Dentistry in Mexico, Costa Rica and Beyond,” is now only weeks away. To celebrate, we are offering a digital copy to you absolutely FREE! All you need to do is register for your FREE Coyote Dental Concierge Call where we’ll help you navigate your way to a healthy, beautiful smile! Register now and pre-order your free copy!