Dental Prices in Mexico

How much can you expect to save by having dental work done in Mexico?
Our clients have saved thousands compared to what it would have cost back home.



You can expect to save up to 70% by going to one of our qualified dentists.

You can expect to save up to 70% on your dental work by going to one of our qualified dentists in Mexico. Don’t let the high cost of dental work in the US deter you from getting the care you need. Let us introduce you to high quality dental care in Mexico.
A regular dental exam is important to your overall health. By having a full-mouth examination the dentist will diagnose and discuss any treatment they detect. Working together you’ll come up with a treatment plan that works for you. ​At our clinics, the dental exam is almost always free.

Average Dental Prices in Mexico*


As many Americans search for affordable dental care, they often turn to Mexico because the cost of treatments are drastically lower than the US for the same, if not better quality dental work.

Note: if a post is needed it’s an additional $100

What Our Clients Are Saying


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*The prices shown are to be used as a generalization of the costs involved for having dental procedures completed in Mexico and should not be used to gauge an overall final cost for your individual needs. Your dentist will provide an itemized, personalized treatment plan that outlines the cost of your     recommended treatment.
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